Energy Exchange with Trinity
Investment Guide
Trinity is a “Jane of all trades” through her non-linear experience. Read through to find what you’re looking for.
80% of the pay goes to facilitation, content, and energy put into the work. 20% goes to overhead and back into the business. If travel expenses are needed, this will be discussed.
1:1 Coaching
1:1 Career Coaching
Align Values Sessions (2 hours) - $333
Career Coaching (2 hours) - $333
Career Coaching (1 hour) - $222
Resume revisions - $75-$250
Resume building - $300-$500
Resume building from scratch: can include any or all of the following - Align Values, Career Coaching, resume redone - $300-$1000
It is highly recommended to have the Align Values session before career coaching.
Trinity has a 100% record on job placement or offer so far in 2 years with her clients.
1:1 Identity/ Life Coaching
Guidance - 1 session only $250
Guidance (6 mo client) - up to 2 sessions a month
$2400 ($200 per session) - discounts can be applied to this, too see below
Guidance (Full Year client) - up to 2 sessions a month
$4200 (175 ea if paid in full) or $4440 (370 per month, if paid in monthly installments)
All sessions are between 90 to 120 minutes.
1:1 Ancestral Guidance
Offerings required and monetary discussion. This is for those who are interested in Trinity’s spiritual gifts and her Baylan mentorship.
These are no less than 90 minutes.
If you are Black identifying and of the diaspora, use the coupon BLACKREPS2024
If you are Pinoy identifying and of the diaspora, use the coupon PILIPINX2024
If you are Queer or Trans identifying, use the coupon PRIDE2024
Community Circles
Holding Space
90 mins minimum
Up to 15 participants
1 Facilitator: $1,500-2,500
Healing in Kapwa
90 mins minimum
Up to 6 participants
1 Facilitator: $1,500-2,500
Re-Wilding the Mind (Creative Wellbeing)
90 mins minimum
Up to 12 participants
1 Facilitator: $1,000-1,500
*In partnership with Tosha CC
Organizational Trainings
Intimate Topic-Centered Trainings
90 mins minimum
Up to 15 participants
Virtual or in-person
1 Facilitator: $1,500-2,000
Topic-Centered Trainings
2 hrs minimum
Up to 50 participants
Virtual or in-person
2 Facilitators: $3,500+
Re-Wilding the Mind (Creative Wellbeing)
90 mins minimum
Up to 12 participants
1 Facilitator: $750
*In partnership with Tosha CC
Commissioned Paintings/Murals
Up to one wall no more than 20’ long or 15’ high
Virtual or in-person meeting beforehand
2 Aritsts: $2500 starting
Piano Instruction
30-60 mins, depending on age & skill
Will need to travel to my home in HoCo, Maryland
No virtual permitted
Sheet music required (no screens)
30 min: $30
45 min: $40
60 min: $50
If I am to travel to your home within 20 miles distance, an additional $15 is added to each lesson.
Ukulele or Hula Dancing
Hawaiian Luau Entertainment for bookings and ask for Trinity and Kane
If you are another in the ecosystem who would like to do a balanced trading or bartering of skills, or even supplement what you’re needing with something you can potentially provide, discussions can be made. For example, I do bartered exchanges of coaching for folx who can work on graphic design for me or Akashic Records readings or help me work out in fitness. Of course, not everything can be bartered, because it may not be a balanced (or fair) trade. However, I’m always open for discussion, especially if Spirit led you here.
My prices are the way they are, because I have learned that I will become physically ill if it is unbalanced.